INVENTORY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE 1. BULK SHIPMENTS This method is based on the assumption that buying and buying goods in bulk is almost always cheaper. Bulk shipping is one of the key technologies in the industry, which can be applied to goods with high customer demand. The downside to bulk shipping is that you will need to put extra money on storing inventory, which will be offset by the amount of money saved by buying larger quantities of products and selling them faster. Pros of bulk shipments Highest potential for profitability Less shipment means reduced shipping costs Works well for staple products with predictable demand and long shelf life Cons of bulk shipments Highest Capital Risk Capacity Rising storage costs It is difficult to adjust quickly when demand fluctuates 2. ABC inventory management ABC inventory management is a technique based on placing products into categories in order of importance, with A being the most valuable and C being the lowest. Not all produ...
In this, we will tell you something about what is the role and responsibility of a store management inventory control